Understand Your Prospective and Admitted Students

Prospective Students

Your prospective students follow a complex path to their final admission decision. By examining that journey in depth, Constituent Research can unearth the insights you need to see how prospects choose their list of schools, apply, and finally arrive at a decision – and how you can ensure that their search leads them to  your institution. We ask the right questions  in order to fully understand the perceptions, motivations, and behaviors of your potential applicants.

Find Out:

  • Who is applying, and why
  • Prospective students’ perception of your institution’s brand, and how aware they are of your program and its attributes
  • What potential applicants expect from your admissions process
  • What motivates prospective students to apply
  • What other peer schools your applicants apply to

Admitted Students

Analyzing the precise reasons behind a student’s decision to enroll in your program can make all the difference when crafting a data-driven recruitment strategy. We uncover the precise factors that convince admitted students to attend your program. We also survey applicants who chose not to accept your offer.

By working with Constituent Research, you can refine your admissions program, and support your decisions with concrete data. See where your rejecters are choosing to attend, and why they made their decision. Learning how your institution compares to competitors is the first step toward ensuring that you remain ahead, or make up valuable ground in the effort to build a thriving student body.

Find Out:

  • Why admitted students chose to apply
  • Where else admitted students apply, and what factors influenced those choices
  • What motivates rejecters to select another program, and where they ultimately enrolled
  • Your win/loss rate, and how it compares to peer institutions
  • How your school’s marketing and digital outreach affects enrollment decisions